Saturday, May 10, 2014

A bunch of random pictures from last year...

I had a few random pictures for you!

In no particular order...

Fancy deviled eggs with bacon on top...

Brownies with cookie dough frosting...

The very best ingredients for a delicious cake...

We got rid of Vicky...

It was a sad and happy day!

We used the money and got a new car!  Our very first BIG purchase together!

We got to ring the gong for our purchase!

And I made a new wreath!

I also found this precious picture of Jon showing his Dad how much he loves him! Haha!

And a picture of my honey doing one of his favorite things!

Like I said, this one was random.  Just want to remember the fun!

Hope you enjoyed the randomness!


Strawberry Picking

I went strawberry picking for the first time ever this morning!

It was so much fun and I loved every minute of it.  My friend Kelley asked me to go with her and I'm so glad I did.

Here is the strawberry patch....

And my bucket....

They were only $1.49 a pound!  That is so cheap!

I was amazed to see how strawberries grow.  They grow from the center of flowers.  I never knew that!

Kelley took her strawberries home to make jam and I took mine home to just eat 'em.  I might have to make some jam though.  They were delicious and sweet!

Here's me and Kelley...

It was a fun first time picking and it won't be my last!

Happy Saturday!
